Sunday, July 18, 2010

snow in the mountains

Dear Jonrey,

It rained last night and to my surprise we had snow on the mountains this morning.
I didn't realize this until I took the taxi this Sunday morning to the Franciscan church of the hospicio.
Today the homily was on Maria and Martha. As you know Maria was sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to him and Martha was doing the work around the house to prepare everything for the guest to make Him feel comfortable and at home.
There is tension in this gospel reading between the contemplative and active life. The Benedictine life style and the Maryknoll missionary life style.
You your self know the difference because you are always busying and doing something around the house, taking care of the needs of your own family and now taking care of Archi as well. Plus being concern about your studies in nursing.
Always busy and seldom finding the time to rest and to reflect.
I am reading a book called "Thomas Merton's Gethsemani Landscapes of Paradise" It is about Merton's life at this trappist monatery in Kentucky. He is a Franciscan at heart because of his love of nature. The photos that he has taken of nature is just beautiful. And his own reflections in what he has seen. A great emphasis on prayer but as you know a great writer of spirituality and shring his own life expereinces. A very human peson and not afraid to share his own failings and his challenges in life.

So the gospel readings today on Martha and Mary hit home in makikng that balance in life between the active and and the contemplative side of life. You are fortunate in knowing the differences from your own life experiences.
This is what I want to share with you on this Sunday. July 18th.

your brother,
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