Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 16th, 2010

Dear Jonrey,

It was nice talking with you on skype in your room and to see the sun coming into your room after it just left here in Cochabamba.
It is amazing when you thinkof it how fast the sun travels around the world.

It was a very nice surprise to see the photos of your church. I was not expecting those type of pictures. It is a very beautiful church.
I was actually thinking of something much simpler. Especially since you mentioned that you are out in the country.

Today in your country it is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
She is General of the military here in Bolivia and also it is the same in Chile as well. Probably in other Latin America countries as well.
But I am not sure.

The weather is on the chilly side in the morning but it warms up during the day time. I have a running cold in the morning and also now which is probably due to the climate change.

We have a lot of visitors here in the house for the Maryknoll magazine but they are doing stories on the Bolivians more so than Maryknoll priests, Brothers and Sisters. Who wants to see photos of old men now.

Well this is all that I have to say on this Thursday evening here in Cochabamba, Bolivia which is Friday the 16th of July in your country of the Philippines.

Thanks for the chat and photos this evening.

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