Monday, July 19, 2010

july 19th,Monday evening

Dear Jonrey,
I just finished talking and seeing you on Skype this monday evening. The baby is very big now and quite active.

I have a slight cold and a sore throat due to the cold weather here in Cochabamba today. It has been very cold here which is unusual for here but in a week or so it will be over wtth. It is Winter time here but it is short and not like Chicago or other places in northern United States.

I took this picture of the flowers on the vine and on the other side is a tennis court that is hardly used by the students at the language school.

One of our older Brothers died and his name is Leon Cook and was 92 years old from Michigan. He worked many years in Guatemala. He was a farmer but also collect many insects for study for different universities in the United States.

Well soon you will be going for another hospial experience in your country or near your home.

This is all the news for now. Take care of yourself and share with me your photos of your home area.

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