Friday, July 23, 2010

friday, july 23, 2010

Dear Jonrey,

It was nice talking with you this morning and to find out that you were having heavy rain. I know that there was a shortage of water in your area that changed your electrical situation.
So I hope that these rains will help your power situation.

In China on the BBC news it has shown the great damage that has been done in that country.

Your new president will be talking to the parliament this coming week

The connection with skype was not good this morning due to the weather conditions in your areas.

The weather is getting slightly warmer here after a cold spell and the kids have been out of school now three weeks which is called
Winter break.

It is now the weekend and I will be going over to the Maryknoll Sisters for lunch today. One of our Brothers, Al Patrick will be returning to the United States. He turned 65 years old and will be retiring.

He was a nurse and working in the Middle East as well as here in Bolivia.

This is all for now.

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