Monday, July 12, 2010

Babra Reid

This is a photo of Barbara Reid that I took when she visited our place in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

She puts emphasis on the spirituality of women which I am sure that you might had heard at CTU.

Yesterday I was looking at the Vocation issue of the Maryknoll Magazine for 2004. I showed it to Ray Finch since he was celebrating Mass in the chapel of your house.

It shows you and others in front of CTU with Fr. Anthony Gittins.
The others were James Egan, Duc Nguyen, hung Dinh, james burke, carlos rodriguez, matt rutter, john Pahls, and yourself.

Ray told me that five of the men wanted to continue including you but were asked to leave. Sad to say.

How is Archi doing now these days?

It is 5:24 p.m. on this Monday afernoon.

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