Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday July8th,2010

Dear Jonrey,

It was nice being in contact with you this morning before going to my English class at 8 a.m.
I took this photo of St. John of God with the baby Jesus at the church San Juan de Dios.
A lot of people come to this church for particular devotions and they also have the Crucified Christ as well. There are a lot of signs on the wall of deep gratituede for favors or miracles received.

It is Winter here in Cochabamba but it is not that cold. For some of the Bolivians they feel cold. The temperature drops a little bit and they are cold.

We will be having a lot of visitors coming here the next weeks for the Maryknoll Magazine and also for a radio program as well.

I will be writing more. It is easy to remember your blog now.


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