Sunday, September 26, 2010

the view from the window

Dear Jonrey,
It was nice talking with you this morning.
This photo I took this morning at around 10 a.m. and you can see the mountains in the distance but not very clear.All this week I could not see the mountains due to heavy smoke or smog in the area.This is due to the burning of the fields in Santa Cruz, a city which is around 6 hours from here to the West by car and only 30 minutes away by plane.It is spring time here and the temperatures are in the 80's as I write this to you. The farmers burn the fields for planting. So the smoke rises and the city of Santa Cruz is at sea level and here in Cochabamba we are at 8,000 feet above sea level.So it becmes very difficult for people who have asthma or other breating problems.
Such is life here this week in Cochabamba.
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19th

Here is a photo of the Pope Mobile going over the Thames River in London. You can see the Houses of Pariliament on the left hand side.This is the first time that the Pope has made a state visit to London England.He also beatified Cardinal Newman on Sunday morning.This has been an historic event for the United Kingdom.
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

saturday morning

Dear Jonrey,

I was just talking with you on the phone and you told me that you were up all night doing your paper and that the computer is working fine for you which is good news.
I took this photo of the Cathedral and the fountain at around 10:30 this morning. Cochabamba will be celebrating 200 years of existence this coming Tuesday the 14th of September.
It is a holiday here.
I hope that you will be able to get some rest now.
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

my brother

This a photo of my younger brother with his grandson that I took last year when I visited him in Port Charlotte, Florida. The child is now a lot older, over a year now.

I am glad that you have found the netbook computers and you can check for ideas and prices from the internet.
It is very warm here in Cochabamba with the temperature ar 77 degrees which is very warm for this time of the year.
The weather is crazy that is for sure.

I sent an e-mail to Melissa to get some money for you for the net book. Make sure that it has wi fi and other features. 12 inches would be ideal and your classmates will also know as well.

Take care and have a nice day.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Assumption of Mary August 15tth

Magnificat - The canticle of Mary

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,my spirit rrejoices in God my Saviorfor he has looked with favour on his lowly servant....

From this day all generations will called me blessed:the Almighty has done great things for me,and holy is his Name ....

He has morcy on those who fear himin every generation....

He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scattered the proud in their conceit.....

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,and has lifted up the lowly.....

He has filled the hungry with good things,and the rich has has senty away empty....

He has come to the help of his servant Israelfor he has remembered his promise of mercy,the promise he made to our fathers,to Abraham and his children forever....

(The photo is of the image or Our Lady of Urkupina that I bought the other day in a religious store near the church of San juan de Dios - St. John of God here in Cochabamba. - today. August 15th, is the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven as well. ) Trust that all went well for your passport on Monday and best wishes to Archie.
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August 15th, 2010

Virgin of Urkupina means Virgin of the Mountain - It was in the mountians of Bolivia in the 1800's that Our Lady appeared to a young girl as she was watching the sheep.The woman told the girl to pick up stones at her feet and take them home to her family. When the girl arrived at her home the stones had turned to silver, therefore releaving her family of poverty.The people of Quillacolla heard the news they began to have faith in the miraculous virgin of Urkupina.

The festival is held in Quillacolla which is 10 miles or 16 km from Cochabamba. The dates are August 14th to 16th.People from all over the country of Bolivia as well as from other countries such as the United States, Spain, and other latin America countries come here for this festival.

Prayer -

Oh Mary, assumed into Heaven, in you we find every virtue shining resplendently. In you. is the fullness of grace because you are united to God.Oh Virgin of Urkupina, work amidst the thorns that grow in the arid deserts of our hearts, that roses of goodness and virtue might sprout forth! Weed out the vanities of this world and replant in us the flower of Life - that our souls might become as nature in springtime to the delight of Christ our Redeemer!
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Vigin of Urkupina

The Quechua people of Peru and Bolivia have integrated their original belief in "Pacha Mama" (Mother earth) with the belief in the Virgin Mary.The Quechua people always knew that "Pacha Mama" gave them the basic necessities required to live: water, food, animal wool for clothes, mud and rocks for houses.

In the seventeenth century, Spanish priests seeking converts told the Andean Indians that "Pacha Mama" was gone, they should pray to the Virgin Mary. The Quechuas knew "Pacha Mama" would not abandoned them.

To them, the Spanish image of the Virgin wearingher triangle-shaped robes looked like a mountain. They decided "Pacha Mama" and the Virgin must be the same.Bolivian Quechuas agree that "Pacha Mama" provides the basic necessities . They also believe that the Virgin provides material goods.

The Festival of Urkupina was first established in 1870. Today around ten percent of the population f Bolivia (500,000 people)attend the Festival of Urkupina to ask the Virgin to make their dreams come true.They carry miniatures (alasitas) that represent what they wish for;tiny trucks, television sets, todor houses, telephones, college degrees, cars, clothes, sewing machines, visas and businesses..and more. For two days they dance to petition and thank the Virgin, then attend a Catholiv Mass.Finally. they visit the shaman women on the nearby mountain who conduct traditional ceremonies and ask Virgin/Mamacita to answer the pilgrims' prayers.

The ceremonies are held in a small town called Quillacollo which is around 10 miles from Cochabamba.The days of celebration are from August 14th to 16th and Masses are celebrated at the main church of Quillacollo: San Idelfonso church.

This festival comes from the middle of the seventeenth century when the Virgin appeared to a little shepherd girl and she was witnessed by her parents and neighbors.Urkupina it is a mixture and interaction of pagan with religious things, that it last three days overflowing days of happiness, faith and its thrills, accompanied by the Bolivian Traditions.
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This is a photo of the Virgin of Urkupina with the Bolivian Flag and flowers on the table in our dining room here at the Maryknoll Society house here in Cochabamba for the celebration of the 185th anniversary of Independence of Bolivia which was August 6th 1825.
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Saturday, August 7, 2010

the little pond

Dear JOnrey,
This little pond is below our house. a lot of water goes through here from the near by mountains. This is a quiet place for meditation.

Hearts on fire

…there seemed to be a fire burning in my heart.Jeremiah 20:9
CNS photo/Tom HuntI wanted it.Desired it greatly.Yearned for its coming.
But when it did comeI fought, resisted,ran, hid away.
I said, “Go home!”
I didn’t knowthe fire of Godcould be morethan a gentle glowor a cozy consolation.
I didn’t knowit could comeas a blaze,a wildfireuncontrolled,searing my soul,chasing my old ways,smoking them out.
only when I stopped running,gave up the chase,surrendered,did I know the fire’s flamingas consolation and joy.

I will call you now since it is now Sunday morning and you will be tarveling to your classes.

Have a nice day now.
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Saturday, July 31, 2010

saturday morning

This Saturday morning, I took of this picture of this native woman with a child on her back selling nuts and other products from here wheel barrow.
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july 31, 2010

Dear Jonrey,

A little reflection for your ministry this week and also taking care of Archi.

Leaning on God
by Joyce Rupp

Which of you walks in darkness and sees no light? ... lean on GodIsaiah 50:4-10
Some people lean against fence postswhen their bodies ache from toil.Some people lean on oak trees,seeking cool shade on hot, humid days.
Some people lean on crutchesBrozova/dreamstime.comwhen their limbs won’t work for them;and some people lean on each otherwhen their hearts can’t stand alone.

How long it takes to lean upon you,God of shelter and strength;how long it takes to recognize the truthof where my inner power has its source.
All my independence, with its arrogance,stands up and stretches within me,trying to convince my trembling soulthat I can conquer troubles on my own.
But the day of truth always comeswhen I finally yield to you,knowing you are a steady stronghold,a refuge when times are tough.

Thank you for offering me strength,for being the oak tree of comfort;thank you for being the sturdy supportwhen the limbs of my life are weak.
Praise to you, Eternal Lean-to,for always being there for me.Continue to transform mewith the power of your love.

from your brother Frank
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Friday, July 23, 2010

friday, july 23, 2010

Dear Jonrey,

It was nice talking with you this morning and to find out that you were having heavy rain. I know that there was a shortage of water in your area that changed your electrical situation.
So I hope that these rains will help your power situation.

In China on the BBC news it has shown the great damage that has been done in that country.

Your new president will be talking to the parliament this coming week

The connection with skype was not good this morning due to the weather conditions in your areas.

The weather is getting slightly warmer here after a cold spell and the kids have been out of school now three weeks which is called
Winter break.

It is now the weekend and I will be going over to the Maryknoll Sisters for lunch today. One of our Brothers, Al Patrick will be returning to the United States. He turned 65 years old and will be retiring.

He was a nurse and working in the Middle East as well as here in Bolivia.

This is all for now.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

These days I am reading a book called “Thomas Merton’s Gethsemani Landscapes of Paradise”
These words by Thomas Merton struck me, His love of nature is like St. Francis of Assisi … He is a true Franciscan…

In the sacramental vision of reality, each bird, each frog---and Merton himself--- was continually created; moment to moment each creature was loved into being by a God who is intimately present to each speciesAnd each individual in that species. Merton understood that each creature reveals the immanence of God. Each creature is God coming to us. Each day is an experience of Advent. Making straight the way of the lord, building a highway in the desert is not for the purpose of going to God.We can’t “get to God” for God is too great, too transcendent, God must come to us. God has and God does. God is continually revealing God’s self in the world around us. God’s fullness is present in the person of Jesus, and in God’s overflowing love expressed in each creature. God is not Deus absconditus but Deus imtimus, a God who Saint Augustine said , is more intimate to me than I am to myself, a God longing to be discovered as the very Ground of my being.This is what I want to share with you today for a reflection my dear brother and friend Jonrey.
And I would like to know what are your own true feelings on this that is written by the famous Contemplative Trappist monk Thomas Merton.
It is in this honest sharing with each other that we truly grow as brothers in service to others in the classroom hose in the nursing career within our family as well as with our intimate friends. Would you agree with me on this?
your brother in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
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Monday, July 19, 2010

july 19th,Monday evening

Dear Jonrey,
I just finished talking and seeing you on Skype this monday evening. The baby is very big now and quite active.

I have a slight cold and a sore throat due to the cold weather here in Cochabamba today. It has been very cold here which is unusual for here but in a week or so it will be over wtth. It is Winter time here but it is short and not like Chicago or other places in northern United States.

I took this picture of the flowers on the vine and on the other side is a tennis court that is hardly used by the students at the language school.

One of our older Brothers died and his name is Leon Cook and was 92 years old from Michigan. He worked many years in Guatemala. He was a farmer but also collect many insects for study for different universities in the United States.

Well soon you will be going for another hospial experience in your country or near your home.

This is all the news for now. Take care of yourself and share with me your photos of your home area.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

St. Theresa's

This is the monatery of St. Theresa here in Cochabamba, Bolivia, the Carmelite Nuns monastery which is near the Franciscan churh of Hospicio. A five minute walk only.
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The Sanctuary

I went up to the altar this morning and to this photo or our Lady of Mount Carmel above the altar.
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Our Lady of mount Carmel

I took this photo of Our Lady of Mount Carmel this mrning at the Carmelite Sisters Monastery here in Cochabamba which is only a short walking distance from the Franciscan church. I visited the church the other day on her feast day last Friday but I was not happy with the photo that I had taken of her.
So I send her to you again. plus a couple more photos of the monastery which is small and not very big chapel.
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snow in the mountains

Dear Jonrey,

It rained last night and to my surprise we had snow on the mountains this morning.
I didn't realize this until I took the taxi this Sunday morning to the Franciscan church of the hospicio.
Today the homily was on Maria and Martha. As you know Maria was sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to him and Martha was doing the work around the house to prepare everything for the guest to make Him feel comfortable and at home.
There is tension in this gospel reading between the contemplative and active life. The Benedictine life style and the Maryknoll missionary life style.
You your self know the difference because you are always busying and doing something around the house, taking care of the needs of your own family and now taking care of Archi as well. Plus being concern about your studies in nursing.
Always busy and seldom finding the time to rest and to reflect.
I am reading a book called "Thomas Merton's Gethsemani Landscapes of Paradise" It is about Merton's life at this trappist monatery in Kentucky. He is a Franciscan at heart because of his love of nature. The photos that he has taken of nature is just beautiful. And his own reflections in what he has seen. A great emphasis on prayer but as you know a great writer of spirituality and shring his own life expereinces. A very human peson and not afraid to share his own failings and his challenges in life.

So the gospel readings today on Martha and Mary hit home in makikng that balance in life between the active and and the contemplative side of life. You are fortunate in knowing the differences from your own life experiences.
This is what I want to share with you on this Sunday. July 18th.

your brother,
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

angel for sale

Your guardian angel forsale in Cochabamba.
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I wonder if Archi would be interested in these dolls??
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another interesting store
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antique shops #1

Near the flower shop are these antique stores.
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flower shop

I took this picture of the lady at the flower shop and another person told her I was taking the photo and she turned around suddenly but with a smile.
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the lady

Here you see the lady with the white hat and how they are dressed.
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the women

The women of Cochabamba wear white hats.
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