Saturday, August 7, 2010

the little pond

Dear JOnrey,
This little pond is below our house. a lot of water goes through here from the near by mountains. This is a quiet place for meditation.

Hearts on fire

…there seemed to be a fire burning in my heart.Jeremiah 20:9
CNS photo/Tom HuntI wanted it.Desired it greatly.Yearned for its coming.
But when it did comeI fought, resisted,ran, hid away.
I said, “Go home!”
I didn’t knowthe fire of Godcould be morethan a gentle glowor a cozy consolation.
I didn’t knowit could comeas a blaze,a wildfireuncontrolled,searing my soul,chasing my old ways,smoking them out.
only when I stopped running,gave up the chase,surrendered,did I know the fire’s flamingas consolation and joy.

I will call you now since it is now Sunday morning and you will be tarveling to your classes.

Have a nice day now.
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